

  • [March 22] A paper is accepted to ISCA'25. Congrats to Minsu and our collaborators at HyperAccel.
  • [February 7] Tandem Processor (ASPLOS'24) has been recognized as an IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention. Congratulations to all the authors from UCSD, UIUC, Google Deepmind, and KAIST!
  • [February 5] I have won the Teaching Innovation Award Excellence Prize (교수학습혁신상 우수상) at KAIST in recognition of my contributions to advancing education.
  • [January 24] Our group has won the Gold Prize (1st place in the Computer Science and Engineering track) in the prestigious Samsung Humantech Paper Award. Congratulations Wonung, Yubin, Yoonsung, Jinwoo, Seongryong, Jiyong, and Aziz!
  • [January 21] I have joined Pervasive Parallelism Lab, Stanford EECS as a Visiting Associate Professor.


  • [October 13] A paper is accepted to IEEE CAL. Congrats to all the authors at POSTECH and KAIST!
  • [October 12] LLMServingSim (IISWC'24) has been covered by multiple media outlets (Articles: 1, 2, 3).
  • [October 2] I am elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
  • [September 17] Our IISWC paper has received Both the Best Paper Award and Distinguished Artifact Award! Congratulations to all involved!
  • [August 19] Our proposal on “ML Compiler Framework for On-Device AI” awarded funding under the IITP Core Technology Development for the Software Computing Industry grant. This is a collaborative effort with ETRI, POSTECH, RTST, Rainbow Robotics, and Aei Robot.
  • [August 2] A paper is accepted to ICCD. Congrats to all the authors!
  • [August 1] DaCapo (ISCA'24) has been featured in various media channels (Articles: 1, 2).
  • [July 26] A paper is accepted to IEEE Micro. Congrats to all the authors at KAIST and HyperAccel!
  • [July 2] Our ISCA paper has received the Distinguished Artifact Award. Kudos to all the authors!
  • [July 1] Jaehong delivered a talk on LLMServingSim at MLArchSys’24, co-located with ISCA’24.
  • [June 18] Yunghee delivered a talk on LVS at ECV’24, co-located with CVPR’24.
  • [June 18] Yubin’s proposal on “On-Device LLM Inference Acceleration with Block Floating Point Quantization” awarded funding under the NRF Master’s Student Research Encouragement Grant grant. Congratulations, Yubin!
  • [June 16] A paper is accepted to IISWC'24. Congrats to Jaehong, Minsu, Hyunmin, and Guseul!
  • [April 23] Our group’s proposal on “Accelerating Multimodal LLM with HW/SW Co-Design” awarded funding under NRF Young Researcher Program grant.
  • [April 8] Our proposal on “DRAM PIM Architecture for LLM Inferencing” awarded funding under the IITP Core Technologies for PIM AI Semiconductors grant. This project is a collaborative effort with KAIST, Korea University, POSTECH, and Yonsei University.
  • [March 19] A paper is accepted to ISCA'24. Congrats to Yoonsung, Changhun, Jinwoo, Wonung, Seongryong, Yubin, and our collaborators at Google.
  • [March 17] A paper is accepted to VLDB'24. Congrats to Minsu, Jinwoo, Guseul, and our collaborators at Georgia Tech!
  • [March 1] I promoted to Associate Professor.
  • [February 28] A paper is accepted to ASPLOS'24. Congrats to Guseul, Sangyeop, Jaehong, Hyunmin, Sanghyeon, and our collaborators at POSTECH and GaTech!
  • [February 27] A paper is accepted to TACO. Congrats to all the authors!


  • [November 7] A paper is accepted to ASPLOS'24! Congrats to Yoonsung, and our collaborators at UCSD, UIUC, and Google Deepmind.
  • [November 7] A paper is accepted to TACO. Congrats to all the authors!
  • [July 3] Two ISCA papers are selected for inclusion in ISCA 25-year Retrospective 1996-2020. Huge congratulations to all the authors!
  • [January 15] A paper is accepted to TC. Congrats to all the authors!


  • [September 13] A paper is accepted to IEEE CAL. Congrats to all the authors!
  • [August 22] Two papers are accepted to ICCD'22. Congrats to all the authors!
  • [April 29] Two papers are accepted to USENIX ATC'22. Congrats to Jinwoo, Minsu, Daeun, Seungho, Yoonsung, Dohee, and our collaborators at KAIST and Google!
  • [April 14] Our proposal on “High-Performance DRAM-based PIM Memory Semiconductor Technology” awarded funding under IITP Core Technologies for PIM AI Semiconductors grant. This project is a collaborative effort with KAIST, UNIST, Kyungpook National University, Kwangwoon University, and UXFactory.
  • [March 17] Our group will be joining the “Memory-Centric Next-Generation Computing System Architectures” project funded under IITP Core Technology Development Program for the Software Computing Industry. This project is a collaborative effort with ETRI, DGIST, UNIST, Telatec, Gluesys, and KTNF.
  • [March 19] A paper is accepted to IEEE Micro. Congrats to all the authors!


  • [October 28] A paper is accepted to HPCA'22. Congrats to all the authors!
  • [April 7] A paper is accepted to TACO. Congrats to all the authors!


  • [October 27] A paper is accepted to HPCA'21.
  • [August 30] Our group’s proposal on “Acceleration of DNN-based Video Query Processing” awarded funding under NRF Mid-Career Researcher Program grant.
  • [July 15] A paper is accepted to PACT'20!
  • [May 15] Our proposal on “High-Reliability, High-Availability Big Data Platforms and Analytics/Prediction Service Technologies for Edge Cloud” awarded funding under IITP-ITRC grant. This project is a collaborative effort with KAIST, Yonsei University, and Chonbuk National University.


  • jspark at casys kaist ac kr
  • 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, E3-1 #4403, Daejeon, 34141, South Korea